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Related Heat Treatment Plants

Nitrocarburizing furnaces are the same ones used for the nitriding process because nitrocarburizing is a treatment that differs only partly from nitriding. The difference is that nitrocarburizing uses a specific cementing gas besides ammonia.

Nitrides and carbides are spread simultaneously on the surface of the pieces, ensuring high superficial hardness even though it is lower than the one obtained with the simple nitriding process. The treatment inside nitrocarburizing furnaces takes place with a temperature of 570°C and its duration is shorter (1-3 hours), but the concerned layer is thicker.

This treatment requires the temporary control of both nitriding potential and cementing potential. The furnaces used for this treatment are the same ones used for the traditional nitriding process.

Contact Sabe Forni to obtain an estimate of our customized nitrocarburizing furnaces.